Friday, March 30, 2012

Cast Day is Coming

Over the last couple weeks we've been distracted by lots of little things...  the Botox fiasco, therapy, blisters from Summer's AFO, bumps, bruises etc, that we have not really given much thought toward how we are going to 'deal with' next week - Week 1 Serial Casting... 

We've done all the practical ground work: appointments booked, brace and cast boots ordered, school and daycare notified, therapy scheduled, swimming lessons cancelled, (I hope we didn't forget anything!)

Summer is very aware of what Monday will bring in terms of her receiving a cast on her right leg, (afterall, she broke her leg in July 2010) but I know she is not prepared for the implications and the difficutly she will likely experience.  The first week will be the hardest I presume, both in keeping her mobile, happy and, well, clean.  Thankfully her orthotist suggested we remove each cast one day, and reapply the next - not practical for the number of apointments (doubled), but the all important bath can happen that evening!

showing off her 'freaky hand' 
Her index finger is hyper extended.  Probably made worse by her fall yesterday when she pretty much bent it backwards... 

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