Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Importance of Sticking to a Plan

Summer begins her serial casting on Monday.  She is prepared, we are prepared.  It is completely new to us so we'll have to take it one day at a time.

As I mentioned in my last post, Sum received botox injections last week.  And, well, now we know the importnace to 'sticking to our plan'.

You may recall last July Summer experienced botox 'spill-over' and lost her hand function.  Subsequent to that, it was agreed between Don, the Dr. and me, that we would not inject her forearm in the future as she had experienced minimal gain in hand and wrist supination.

So, there we were, Summer was feeling pretty good from the sedation meds and the Dr. indicates that she is going to inject only one forearm muscle.  Don and I expressed our apprehension and she reassured us the muscle she would inject would help with arm extension.  We reluctantly agreed to the injection.

Well, we should have stuck to our plan.  'Spill-over' effects started to appear that afternoon, and she has now lost all grip strength in her right hand. 

Surprisingly, she is being well humoured about it and we dug out her hand splint to minimize the affect on her posture.  But I can't even express how disappointed we are to be in this position, again.

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