Thursday, October 13, 2011

Conservative Optimism

Yesterday Summer had her follow-up with her Pediatrician.  These visits are more frequent now because she wants to keep a close eye on her since we received the assessment that Summer's shunt is likely not working. 

She observed Summer and asked her lots of questions about school, which she mostly answered "I don't know." but then she volunteered lots of information in her own time.  Summer complained about the felt markers being all dried out, and how was she supposed to colour with dried out markers.  The Dr. promised to have new ones for her next visit. 

The Dr. and I chatted a bit.  I know she tends to be more optimistic than Summer's neurosurgeon on the topic of whether Summer needs the shunt or not.  I know that Summer's Neuro is very concious of instilling the fear of god into us, so that we do not ignore any possible signs of pressure.  We are OK with that - and will never ignore signs of pressure, but still, it is nice to experience a little optimism now and then. 

While Summer's Neuro will likely never say "she is out of the woods - no more need for the shunt", Summer's Pediatrician feels optimistic that if Summer shows no sign of pressure in the next year, we may be looking at the likelihood that she does not need the shunt. 

I know the shunt will likely never be removed - but at some point, I really hope we can be more certain than not, that Summer is doing all of the CSF absorption on her own. 

 Summer is showing Gramma her classroom
 While waiting to see the Dr. a display of 'equipment' was being exhibited in the gym at OKP.  Summer killed some time riding the Terrier Bike - similar to the one she uses at school

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