Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rock Star Mom Attends IPRC at SHS

Today was Summer's routine IPRC - Individual Placement Review Committee. Basically, it was 3 Catholic School principles - including Summer's, the Resource Teacher, another teacher and me. YIKES. It was a bit intimidating.... But first the Rock Star reference:

I arrived at the school a good 15min early for my appt. because Summer has been so excited that I was coming for a meeting. This morning when I got her out of bed, she even remembered it was today that I was to visit. So I parked and began along the sidewalk that parallels the JK class windows, and I hear loud and clear THROUGH the closed windows "Hey!!!! THAT'S MY MOM!!!!" I can see her jumping up and down at the lunch table. I checked into the office and popped down to her room. I was immediately surrounded by little people. "Are you Summer's mom?", "I have Strawberries in my lunch", "I helped Summer open her lunch!", "Summer is my best friend", .... and the quotes could go on forever. Summer was especially excited and has been talking about for days, to show me her snowflake on the window with her name on it, along with the other friends - which she named correctly to me.

Summer was having her lunch, I got in a quick hug and several kisses, and headed to my appointment.

Back to that... We reviewed the services (therapy) Summer receives from OKP at school - OT and PT. and one of the teachers mentioned that she has some learning needs.... My heart skipped a beat - I am thinking... jeeze, have they identified a learning disability already??? why didn't they tell me at the P-T interview??? then she listed - Gross motor skills dev. personal care, fine motor skills dev. self help.... and I am thinking.... duh, yeah!

They outlined her strengths, which were no surprise - but I never tire of hearing: Tactile learner, cooperation with adults (what???), Social skills with peers, motivation, determination, positive attitude, intellectual curiosity.

As I departed the school, Summer was on the playground and came to the fence for a big kiss. - cutest thing I ever saw... will download my cellphone and post it one of these days.


  1. Ya Summer, sounds like things are going great!

  2. some of us are still waiting for the promised downloaded picture of the fence kiss!
