Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stalker Mom

On Wednesday I was on route to an appointment for work. I looked at the time and figured that Summer would be at recess... so I thought I would swing by and check out the playground routine - without being detected. I pulled up to the curb. I was immediately eye-balled suspiciously by a teacher in the yard... so that is good- I think...

I looked and looked for Summer on the playground and could not see her. Her EA was with her other student. I wracked my brain to remember what coat she was wearing in the morning, and still could not see her. Gee... can't even pick out my own kid on the playground???

So, then I thought... maybe she fell and they are trying to call me at work... I better get back.

I got back to my office, checked my messages - none... checked my Outlook.... Summer was being seen my her OT Ann. I guess she got to skip recess.

Summer, proudly displaying her Turkey Centre Piece

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tammy!
    I'm so happy to hear that the little turkey is progressing well! I love her exuberance or at least what's been edited! I love her smile.
