On Monday, Don's cousin Sarah, her partner Lisa and their son Andrew visited us from Vancouver. It was our first time meeting Andrew and he is a very sweet baby. We played pass the baby for a few hours and he tolerated it very well.
Sarah and Andrew
On Wednesday we headed back to Campbell River to visit the Curnow Crew so that Summer had more time to visit with their girls, and I had more time to rebond with Selene. We had a beautiful lunch at the picnic table, Summer had a dip in their pool and lots of playtime with the girls and Don got to bond with Vinnie - their very handsome Rottweiler.
The Curnow's
On Thursday my brother Steve who was not able to come the week before brought Chase up for an additional visit. Cyara and Taylor also came over to my parents' to play so we took them all to the park and let them run wild for a few hours.
We topped off the day with a quiet dinner with Ken and Carmen. We re-played our Alder Bay trip and made plans for next years adventures... oh, and had an amazing dinner of jumbo prawn cocktail, bbq'd oysters, bbq'd cod, bbq'd snapper and yummy pasta and salad. Times our tough...
More to follow on this week - stay tuned...
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