A week ago last Friday, we had a visit with the Trousdell Five.
I have been following Tracey’s Blog since the Brothers were born in November 2009. Way too small, way too early, way too many complications. How amazing is it to finally meet them in person and be snuggling hearty, robust, healthy set of twins.
I am holding Asher – OK – He is my favourite – Yes they are identicals, but Asher and Summer share this not so little thing – Grade 4 bleed. Asher is one of the lucky ones who did not develop hydrocephalus, but his parents, family and friends are spending the next 2 years hoping and praying that his motor function will develop normally. Honestly – he looks, feels, (and smells) 100%.
Their daughter Rio (I know – what a cool name ehh?) and Summer got a long really well and they spent most of the time running around the back yard blowing bubbles and soaking themselves in bubble-solution. This precipitated a ‘getting naked’ session, clothes in dryer and 4 year old girls running around in their underpants.
Tracey and I did not stop talking for the duration of our 2 hour visit. Don and Jordan could not get a word in edgewise. Luckily Don is more the quiet type – a necessity in our house, and Jordan – well I am not sure… but he was nice enough to let us girls have a good chin-wag.
We can’t wait to see them again, but until then, we’ll keep following their blog, delight in all their family stories and watch Rio and the Brothers thrive.
Cute! Thanks Tammy! We had such a great time too :)