Don suggested that we start by limiting the TV she consumes during the week and we spend more time doing activities. It is so easy to slide into a rut in the winter with the short days, and much more indoor time. As well, a renewed effort on insisting on manners and politness.
So last week and this week have gone really well. There is no TV on for Mondays, Wednesday's and Thursday's. Instead we play board games, do crafts, cook, play, practice printing, etc...
Summer has adjusted easily and last night she only asked for a 'show' once. She seems to have accepted the new routine, and really enjoys our quality time.
On Valentines morning she woke up to a new stuffed animal - monkey hanging off her chair. She kept asking who put it there and I kept telling her it was us, but I think she thought there might be a Valentines 'santa'. It was very funny.
On Thursday's Summer's class has been going to Gymtrix for the afternoon. Don has been 'chaperoning' the fieldtrip and they have been having a great time. It is my only opportunity to get Summer to wear a ponytail - as the girls need to tie up their hair... that is my story, I am sticking to it.
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