Our out-going Christmas cards this year are, at best, a little sparse. Where normally we compose a two page family letter with photos and stories - an epic 'Morison Year in Review' - this year's (if you happen to recieve a card from us and likely not before Christmas) -includes a one-liner and a reminder of the link to this blog. :-)
December seemed to creep up on us this year so we'll use this electronic, environmentally friendly method to generate our annual Christmas letter.
Our year started off in new fashion as we spent our first Christmas in our own home, just us, together as a family. We began a few new Christmas traditions of our own and while at friends' on Christmas Eve Santa made a guest appearance. Summer's excitement and belief in the 'big guy' brought a lot of magic to the holiday.
2010 didn't seem to get too busy until the Fall, but as I look back in our calendar I see it was pretty steady throughout... Lot's of travelling for Summer's appointments - they sure add up - 3 Sunnybrook, 5 Sick Kids, 3 Orillia (and those are just the out of town ones). Thankfully each one also means we have an opportunity to visit Don's cousin Barb & Laurie in Bolton, our dear friends the Miller's in Brooklyn, Heather & Scott in Uxbridge and, if we have time, a bit of shopping enroute.
I will try not to be too repetitive - as many of the year's events certainly for Summer, are already documented on this blog. We had a couple of great family trips this year - Florida in March with the Miller's and Comox in August - including a fishing trip to Alder Bay with Ken and Carmen. We had lots of great weekends on our beach with friends from near and far. Don and Corrine made their annual pilgrimage for Summer's birthday in August (Summer and I will reciprocate a visit to Edmonton for Spring Break - we're excited!) and Tania & Clayton came for Labour Day weekend - a much needed catchup!
We had a few visits from family too. My Aunt Venita, her husband Roy, and son Joe, stopped in for a night, while on route from MB to NS. Don's Auntie Bern and Uncle Dale stayed a night while passing through from BC to Peterborough. Don's parents spent 10 days with us leading up to Thanksgiving.
Summer has had a year of amazing progress. She began Junior Kindergarten in September and since then we have seen her blossom with independence and intellect. She has begun to read and spell some words, like her name, my name, Don's name and more!- I know, she is four, that is crazy! She takes the bus to and from school from the YMCA where she attends the before and afterschool program. She is VERY well liked by her teachers and peers - she is a little social butterfly. She is taking dance classes again this year (Jazz & Tap) with her friends Kaida, Abby and Kassie - She loves it.
Don is still working in Recruiting in the Contact Centre. He really wants to retire and fish full-time on Lake Temagami but I have a house reno in mind so that's not in the cards for him yet. He's been there for 4 years now but he first wrote 6 so I get the sense that's what it felt like for him. Crazy! The unit continues to grow and they are approximately 30 people now. Don's friend and colleague Tony is about to be promoted to Major and Don will then take the position of 2IC/DCO. This is great because it allows me to keep him working for another 3-4 years! :)
The MND, Peter McKay, toured his unit in the summer as well as several other high profile visitors. They continue to do amazing work and inadvertently draw positive attention to themselves. What can you say, they are good at what they do. By April they will be moved into a fancy new building...closer to better cycling and the gym - after this summer off from triathlon he should have ample opportunity to get back in shape! ;)
I have now been with our Hospital Foundation for 7 years. Holy, time flies. I successfully wrote my professional certification in April. I am relieved to finally have that completed and now I get to put a few letters behind my name - ha ha.
Our new hospital - as I have mentioned in previous posts - opens in January and my office relocated there in November. I am volunteering during the last weekend in January when the patients are moved and will assist in patient transfer. Since I give frequent tours of the new hospital my knowledge of the 'what and where' will really come in handy.
Along with all of the hoopla around the hospital opening, I am also directing the Diagnostic Imaging Campaign to raise $6M for Digital DI equipment, including an MRI. It's been a really exciting time for me in my career - moving into a state of the art hospital, rallying community support, thanking, recognizing, celebrating...
Celebrating... seems like a great way to end the Morison Family Update. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas celebrating with your loved ones.
Merry Christmas,
Tammy, Don, Summer and our new cat George